Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I do daycare for Gayle Hoskovec. I enjoy her kids so much! I like to get pictures of Sammi in action. She loves her new car seat as long as it is not in the car!

She was playing in her carseat and the static electricity was making her hair stand on end.
Notice those gorgeous eyes!

Our Newest Addition

Well, in January we finally got our girls a new puppy. Liz had been asking for one for ages, so I gave in. We all love her and she is a great addition! It's kind of like having 4 kids! Her name is Lexxi. She is a mini Australian Shepherd.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

4th and 5th

As you can see I need to sort my pictures too!!
This was taken Christmas 2004. Hayley was 2. Giving us her cheesy smile!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

No Camera

Well, you all have noticed that my blog needs updating, so I decided that I will just write and tell you all the truth. My youngest wanted to take a few pictures and I thought oh, she can't hurt anything, well...I guess she didn't hurt anything, I just haven't found my camera yet! I have hunted high and low and she tells me she doesn't remember, but anyway I now have a camera on my wish list for Christmas! So no pictures to highlight my life for the moment, but hopefully some to come in the near future.
We have been busy just living I guess. There is always plenty to do with all the kids activities, Bible studies, and daycare. I barely have time to ever just relax.
We are planning to go to see Will's brother in TX for Christmas, so I am looking forward to that. I am ordering 70 degree weather!
Anyway I hope you all have a VERY Merry Christmas!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Baby

My baby is getting too big to suit me. She loves my camera and always begs me to take her picture.

Friday, August 8, 2008